Installing Krita in Ubuntu 20.04 using the AppImage and creating a desktop entry

Posted by Aman Abhishek Tiwari on March 11, 2022 · 3 mins read Categories: | Tech | Backdrop Taken from Krita's Website

Krita is a sketching and painting program. It is also be used for 2D animations and is considered an free and open source alternative to Adobe Animate. Their recommended way to use Krita is to download the App Image and run it as an executable. But this way you would have run the file from the terminal every time you want to use it. Wouldn't it be better if we could run the app as any other normal application! This tutorial explains how you can install Krita's AppImage (and for that matter any AppImage) and run it like you would run any other application.

  1. Download Krita's AppImage from their website's download page here.
  2. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the AppImage has been downloaded
  3. Run chmod +x krita.appimage
  4. Copy the AppImage to /usr/local/bin/ or ~/.local/bin/ using the cp command. Use sudo if you get the Permission Denied error.
  5. Change directory to the directory where the AppImage was downloaded
  6. Run ./krita.appimage --appimage-extract
  7. This should extract the contents of the AppImage into the directory squashfs-root in the same directory
  8. cd into the squashfs-root directory and open the file org.kde.krita.desktop in a text editor for editing.
  9. Search for the line saying Exec=krita %F and replace krita with the location where you copied the AppImage. Eg. If you copied the AppImage to /usr/local/bin/, then the location of the AppImage is /usr/local/bin/krita.appimage. Save changes and exit.
  10. Copy the modified org.kde.krita.desktop file to /.local/share/applications/ directory.
  11. This will create a desktop entry for Krita but we still need to put the desktop icon in the proper directory.
  12. Now copy icon file, krita.png to /usr/share/pixmaps/ using sudo
  13. Restart the GNOME shell by pressing Alt+F2 and Run restart. You may even try restarting the computer.
  14. After this the AppImage should be properly installed along with the desktop entry.
  15. This approach can be followed for other AppImages as well